Ginger. Who does not know the ginger plant. Plants that have a million benefits. Ginger plant is a plant which is very popular as a spice and as medicine. Ginger plant thought to originate from the country India, but many people who believe that the ginger crop coming from the south china people's republic. Ginger plants brought from India as trade goods. ginger trade to southeast Asia, Japan, China to the Middle East. Ginger into a commodity that is very popular in Europe because the region provides a sense of warm ginger and spicy food.
Ginger plants can only live in the tropics, so many are cultivated ginger plant equatorialareas such as southeast Asia, Africa and Brazil. Ginger is a plant that has a very gooddrug efficacy, ginger consumption worldwide increased annually. Current state is the largest supplier of ginger equadoe and brazil.
Ginger plant has a root in the form of rhizomes, rhizome root is often used as medicine. Ginger rhizome roots like fingers, have the joints in the middle. Ginger has a distinctive flavor, ginger has a dominant taste spicy. Spicy flavor is caused bycompounds zingeron. pseudo-ginger plant has a stem with 30 cm to 100 cm high. Rootsshaped rhizome with flesh colored yellow to reddish, ginger has the smell was terrible. Ginger plant has pinnate leaves, length 15 cm to 23 cm and width 8 cm to 23 cm. Gingerhas a fluffy pliers petiole, flower plants grow from the ground ginger, egg-shaped, length3.5 cm to 5 cm wide and 1.5 cm to 1.75 cm. Peduncle scales ginger has as many as 5to 7 pieces. Yellowish green ginger flower, flower lips and the stigma purple. Ginger plantflower has a pistil 2 pieces.
Ginger has a few different types, each type has a different character, ranging from thesize color and elements contained therein. The following are the types of ginger plants.
- large yellow and white ginger. This is often called elephant ginger . This ginger plant has a large rhizome plants and plump, rimpangnya morebloated than the other types.
- small yellow and white ginger. ginger is often called ginger sunti. ginger rhizome rootsof plants is small, but has a volatile content lebbih big.
- red ginger. red ginger has the most small size, red ginger always harvested when ginger also has a very large volatile content.
The following is a ginger plant classification.
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: zingiberales
family: Zingiberaceae
genus: Zingiber
species: z. officinale
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