What is a gene level biodiversity? To find these answers, try to observe the rose plant.The plant has a colorful flower, can be red, white or yellow. Or the mango crop, diversity can be found among others in the form of fruit, flavor, and color. Similarly, in animals.You can compare the free-range chicken, jungle fowl, broilers, and chickens. You will see the diversity of nature, among others, on the shape and body size, coat color and shape of wattle.
Diversity of flower color on roses. Form, flavor, color in mangoes, and diversity of nature, coat color and shape of wattle on the chicken, this is all due to the influence of the nature of the device called a gene. All living things within a single species or species have the same basic constituent genes. Genes are part of chromosomes that control the characteristics or nature of an organism that is derived from the parent or parents to their offspring. Genes in each individual, although the same basic constituent, but its composition varies depending on each parent. The composition of the genes that determine the characteristics or nature of an individual within a species.
What caused the diversity of genes? Marriage between two individuals a kind of living things is one of the causes. Descendants of the marriage has the composition of the genes derived from both the parent / parents. The combination composition of the genes from two parent will cause the diversity of individuals within one species of the varieties (varieties) that occur naturally or artificially. Naturally occurring diversity is a result of adaptation or adjustment of each individual with the environment, such as the mango. Environmental factors also affect the nature of the visible (phenotype) of an individual in addition determined by genetic factors (genotype). While artificial diversity may occur among others through interbreeding (hybridization).
In humans there is also diversity of genes that show different characteristics, including body size (large, small, medium); skin color (black, white, brown, yellow) eye color (blue, black, brown), as well as form hair (curly, straight, curly).
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