Species of Biodiversity

Biodiversity is a term discussion that includes all forms of life, scientifically classified biologisnya organisasi scale, which includes genes, species of plants, animals and microorganisms and the ecosystems and processes, ecological processes which life form is a part. It can also be interpreted as a condition of the diversity of life forms within ecosystems or specific bioma. Biodiversity is often used as a health measure biological systems. 

Biodiversity is not uniformly distributed in the earth, the tropics have a richer biodiversity, and the amount of biodiversity continues to decline if more distant from the equator. Biodiversity found on Earth is the result of billions of years of evolutionary process. Origin of life is not known with certainty in science. Until about 600 million years ago, life on earth only in the form archaea, bacteria, protozoa, and unicellular organisms other before multicellular organisms appeared dan cause an explosion of biodiversity that is so fast, but also occur periodically dan eventual extinction due to large-scale activitiesearth, climate, and outer space. Biological diversity has several types of biological diversity that distinguishes them. The types are as follows: 

1. Genetic diversity. The total number of genetic information contained in individual plants, animals and microorganisms that live on earth. 

2. Diversity of species. The diversity living organisms on earth (estimated at 50-50 million), only 1.4 million new study.
3. Diversity of ecosystems. Diversity of habitats, biotic communities and ecological processes in the biosphere or the ocean world. 

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