Rose Is Medicinal Plant.

A rose is a beautiful flower to be used as an ornamental plant, but sdibalik beauty of roses, it saves a lot of benefits. Many people know this flower and ornamental plants in the yard making it their home. Besides as an ornamental plant, rose bush has benefits as a drug / healer. Benefits are owned of chemical substances contained in the rose bush, such as tannin, geraniol, nerol, sitronelol, geranik acid, terpenes, flavonoids, polyphenols pektinm, vanillin, carotenoids, stearopten, farnesol, eugenol, feniletil alcohol, vitamin C, B, E, K.

Roses including aroma therapy group that is very important. Esense oil rose to function as an antiseptic, killer fungi that cause vaginal discharge, and increase stamina. The aroma is fragrant aroma often used as a therapy that can soothe and improve mood. Rose also efficacious blood circulation, heal bruised skin, menstrual pain, tuberculosis, neck glands, coughing up blood, constipation, breast swelling, rheumatism, stomach pain, ulcers, and antikejang. Rose is also able to expedite the flow of bile, reduces abdominal pain, alleviate depression, and invigorating the kidneys. Its roots can be used to cure irregular menstruation, swelling, and whiteness.
Utilization of roses can be done in various ways.

  1. As esense. The trick is to dry the flowers, the petals just grab and enter into the bottle. Leave the place closed for six weeks until the aroma wafted sharp. Then strain and store in a closed place. Esense roses can be used for mixed drinks and mixed materials make the cake.
  2. As a tonic. Using a rather large flower. Soak 2-3 flowers into the 300 cc of water until softened, about 2-3 hours. Drinking water little by little.
  3. Therapeutic. Select the unopened buds, suck meetings and aromatic. Store in a damp closet that is not easy. This therapy can be used for patients with chest tightness, sad or depressed.
  4. As a tea. To lower the fat content as well as regulate blood circulation and brighten skin tone and meranumkan ie by drinking tea roses. Do I enter the tea roses, jasmine, and green tea bags into boiling water. Leave for 2-3 minutes until fragrant aroma out. Do not forget to use a cup that has been rinsed with hot water. Can also add a little honey for growing fragrant aroma, or can also be used as a tea fragrances. Boil dried rose petals with tea and water, then strain. Add sugar, honey, and a little lemon juice. Drinking in warm. It should be remembered that the tea roses are not recommended for pregnant women. Because roses are smooth so that blood is not good for fetal growth.

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